DCA* in and out of collections

*DCA = Dollar-cost averaging - what you do when you're entering/exiting a position step by step.

For example, let's say you want to exit a position with a certain collection and have 5 floor NFTs that you want to sell. Of course, you could always list them in bulk at the floor price and hope it gets swept, thus potentially also tanking the floor price of the collection you're exiting. What you could also do is individually list each NFT at a different price up the curve: one at the floor, one slightly higher, and so on until you have listed your 5 NFTs.

Imagine now if the floor price of that collection drops, you would now have to adjust your entire system, NFT per NFT. Cumbersome at 5 NFTs, annoying at 10 NFTs and an absolute nightmare if you have to deal with more.

However, with hadeswap, you can create a selling pool with those 5 NFTs and have it set so that the price increases automatically by y% or +x SOL each time an NFT is bought from your pool. If the floor price drops, you would only have to adjust just one parameter, which is the floor price of your pool. Neat, right? Well, it doesn't stop there.

Now let's have a look at the latest hype collection that you've missed, the price has mooned and you'd like to get in on the action but you'd rather wait for the price to drop first. Instead of putting up bids on NFTs that you see on a market place, you can actually set up a buying pool with the prices you'd like to get in at, which is the same as laying buy orders at certain price points. Same principle as for the selling pools - instead just put the liquidity that you would like to invest in a certain collection and set the price at which you would like to start entering the collection. Now setup your pool so that the next purchase after the first happens after a decrease of price x (in SOL) or y%. This is how you can dollar cost average your way into collections without having to heavily manage your orders. If you thought this was awesome, then buckle up for the next key feature: two-sided liquidity pools!

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